Flagship Projects
The Climate Grand Challenges competition identified five Flagship Projects that seek to tackle big problems in the global response to climate change.

Bringing computation to the climate challenge
The development of a digital twin of the Earth that can harness more data than ever before to increase the accuracy of climate models and make them more useful for communities and other stakeholders.

Center for electrification and decarbonization of industry
The growth of low-cost, renewable electricity presents a promising pathway to transform industrial processes and achieve decarbonization across the economy.

Preparing for a new world of weather and climate extremes
A scalable toolkit to help vulnerable populations face the new reality of intensifying climate events and accelerate the transition to low-carbon resources.

Reinventing climate change adaptation with the Climate Resilience Early Warning System (CREWSnet)
Cutting-edge forecasting technology that boosts climate resilience by empowering underserved communities to interpret local risk, minimize loss, and plan for their futures.

Revolutionizing agriculture with low-emissions, resilient crops
New methods that enable the elimination of carbon emissions from fertilizer and the creation of crops that remain productive under climate stresses offer opportunities for improving agricultural production.